Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Zombies and other Apocalyptic Monsters living upstairs.

Being five years old is really tough.  Especially when zombies and other apocalyptic monsters live upstairs.  All I did was ask him to go to his room and put on his pajamas, and what happens?  A supermega meltdown.  I really feel for the kid, I mean he feels seriously traumatized right now.  Then I remind myself, tis the season of haunting shadows.  With the change in temperature, and the all around feeling of darkness taking over light, you can't blame him, or anyone else, for how a seemingly normal task morphs into the zombie apocalypse.  With all due respect, Halloween is NOT an easy time for the vivid imagination of a developing child, or scaredy cat adult.  (Hi, yeah, I'm talking about me.  This oddball adult right here.)  Well, maybe for those who are able to embrace the horrific, but not this chica nor her eldest offspring. 

It seems not only do advertisements for all things spooky pummel the airways, but also every based on true life events, freakishly terrifying movie trailer appears to reproduce exponentially.  Then there are the "classic" horror film marathons shown in chronological order, or first the original followed by an updated, more gory remake.  Then there are the ones taking place in, oh say a cornfield, a wooded plot at the lesser populated end of a road, a haunted cemetery... you know "normal" places that exist in every dark corner of every town in America.  You watch the movie, then take a hike to a similarly scenic destination trying to talk yourself into believing this will be "FUN" only to find yourself closer to a coronary with every passing moment.  Oh, now don't forget the ever popular haunted house.  So not my thing.  I'd rather eat headcheese.  I can't comprehend why I should pay someone to scare the crap out of me, or better yet, publicly pee myself.  But the frosting on the cake, cherry on the sundae issue for me has always been creepy dolls.  The more realistic those porcelain headed, stare through you to the depths of your soul, demonic creations the more creeped out I get.  That fear was cemented in my adolescent years when I begged my sister to tell a story about a possessed doll who's nails dripped blood.  Yeah, not a great scenario for a kid already developing serious doll issues.  And what is it with sleeping with closet doors open?  Who does that anyway?  Besides, where else does one lock up those disturbing dolls at night?  They can't just be left out to aimlessly roam about stealing life giving breath from people.  Don't even get me started on the space under the bed.  I even wrote a paper junior year of high school about it.  I entitled that skillfully written, literary masterpiece, "The Bermuda Rectangle."  Incidentally, you may find it amusing that the first video I ever saw on MTV was Michael Jackson's Thriller... the extended version.

Needless to say, I'm not a huge fan of the spine-chilling side of Halloween, but I will take the trick-or-treating, caramel apples, spiced apple cider, hayrides (as long as they aren't haunted), and all the other not so scary stuff.  Well, October 31st is only a couple days away, so be safe out there and have fun.  I'll be on the sidelines continuously reminding my rational self none of this is *real*. 

Happy Halloween!!! 
(Bla, ha, ha, ha...) 

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